Error 404 Not Found


Forwarded to ErrorController (f40ba4)


(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 admin /admin Path does not match
16 admin_exercises /admin/index/applications/{application} Path does not match
17 appexercise_getid /api/appexercise/get/{id} Path does not match
18 appexercise_getidfile /api/appexercise/get/{id}/{application}/{directory}/file/{filename} Path does not match
19 getDatasetsByIso /api/datasets/get/{iso} Path does not match
20 getDatasetById /api/dataset/get/{id} Path does not match
21 menuFetchAppdata /api/menu/fetch/appdata/{id} Path does not match
22 checkLinkedExercisesDataset /admin/checklinkedexercises/{datasetid} Path does not match
23 app_appexercise_getapptest /apptest/{tree}/{l1}/{l2}/{l3}/{p5}/{p6} Path does not match
24 deleteAppExercise /api/delete/appdata Path does not match
25 app_exercise_data_edit /api/appexercisedata/edit Path does not match
26 app_exercise_data_get /api/appexercisedata/get Path does not match
27 app_exercise_data_remove /api/appexercisedata/remove Path does not match
28 app_exercise_data_removeall /api/appexercisedata/removeall Path does not match
29 frontendApplication /applications/{application}/ Path does not match
30 frontendApplicationPath /applications/{application}/{path}/ Path does not match
31 connect_azure_start /login/connect-microsoft Path does not match
32 connect_azure_check /login/check-microsoft Path does not match
33 mainCachePage /admin/cache Path does not match
34 clearMenuCacheByParentId /admin/cache/menu/clear/by/id Path does not match
35 clearMenuCacheAll /admin/cache/menu/clear/all Path does not match
36 clearExerciseCacheById /admin/cache/exercise/clear/by/id Path does not match
37 clearExerciseCacheByAppName /admin/cache/exercise/clear/by/appname Path does not match
38 clearExerciseCacheAll /admin/cache/exercise/clear/all Path does not match
39 classRoomOverview /classroom/classes Path does not match
40 apiClassRoomClassesOverview /api/classroom/classes Path does not match
41 classroomClassStudents /classroom/class/students/{classid}/{menuid} Path does not match
42 apiClassroomIvitationResponse /api/classroom/class/invitation/state Path does not match
43 apiClassroomClassStudents /api/classroom/class/students/{classid} Path does not match
44 removeClassroomStudent /classroom/class/student/remove Path does not match
45 editClassRoom /classroom/class/{id}/edit Path does not match
46 apiClassroomMenu /api/classroom/menu/{menuid} Path does not match
47 studentClassRoomOverview /student/classes Path does not match
48 apiStudentClassRoomOverview /api/student/classes Path does not match
49 schoolOverview /admin/schools Path does not match
50 apiClassRoomOverviewGet /api/schools/get Path does not match
51 removeSchool /admin/school/remove Path does not match
52 editSchool /admin/schools/school/{id}/edit Path does not match
53 apiSchoolGetExtensions /api/school/get/{extension} Path does not match
54 gitpushhook /git/pushhook/media/{gitrepo} Path does not match
55 gitpushhookinternalmedia /git/pushhookinternal/media/{gitrepo} Path does not match
56 connect_google /connect/google Path does not match
57 connect_google_check /connect/google/check Path does not match
58 ltiConnect /lti/connect Path does not match
59 lti_handle /lti/handle Path does not match
60 language_unique_json /api/languages/unique Path does not match
61 getSoundsByLanguage /api/sounds/{iso}/{ordered} Path does not match
62 note /admin/notes/{id}/view Path does not match
63 editNote /admin/notes/{id}/edit Path does not match
64 removeNote /admin/notes/{id}/remove Path does not match
65 get_note /admin/notes/getall Path does not match
66 user_note /admin/notes/usernotes Path does not match
67 owaTrackerJs /modules/base/js/combined.js Path does not match
68 owaLog /log Path does not match
69 getRating /api/rating/get Path does not match
70 saveRating /api/rating/save Path does not match
71 viewCount /api/view/count Path does not match
72 editRole /admin/role/{id}/edit Path does not match
73 removeRole /admin/role/{id}/remove Path does not match
74 getAllRoles /admin/role/getall Path does not match
75 apiSpendtimePost /api/spendtime/post Path does not match
76 apiSpendtimePingPost /api/spendtime/ping/post Path does not match
77 userSpendtimeOverview /user/spendtime/overview Path does not match
78 userSpendtimeMenuGetNoDate /user/spendtime/menu/get Path does not match
79 userSpendtimeMenuGet /user/spendtime/menu/get/{start}/{end} Path does not match
80 userSpendtimeMenuGetUser /user/spendtime/menu/get/{start}/{end}/{userid} Path does not match
81 userSpendtimeGetDetailsNoDate /user/spendtime/details/get/{menuid} Path does not match
82 userSpendtimeDetailsGet /user/spendtime/details/get/{menuid}/{start}/{end} Path does not match
83 userSpendtimeDetailsGetUser /user/spendtime/details/get/{menuid}/{start}/{end}/{userid} Path does not match
84 userSpendtimeDetailsGetUserGetClass /user/spendtime/details/get/{menuid}/{start}/{end}/{userid}/{classid} Path does not match
85 nodeDeleteByParentId /api/cache/nodes/invalidate/parent Path does not match
86 getOverviewUsersISharedWith /user/overview/share Path does not match
87 getCurrentUsersShares /user/current/shares Path does not match
88 checkUserShared /share/checkusersshared Path does not match
89 app_sso_ssoshare_getteachersshared /share/getteachersshared Path does not match
90 shareUnshareStudent /user/share/unshare/student Path does not match
91 shareUnshareTeacher /user/share/unshare/teacher Path does not match
92 shareRequestAccessTeacherToStudents /share/request/access/teacher/to/students Path does not match
93 shareRequestAccessAccept /share/request/access/acceptdecline Path does not match
94 getMyShares /share/getmyshares Path does not match
95 addShares /share/addshares Path does not match
96 unShares /share/unshare Path does not match
97 getStudentsRoleOverview /share/view/students Path does not match
98 getTeachersOverview /share/view/teachers Path does not match
99 getAllUsersAdmin /admin/users/getall Path does not match
100 editUserProfile /admin/users/{id}/edit Path does not match
101 removeUser /admin/user/{id}/remove Path does not match
102 toggleEanble /admin/user/{id}/toggle/enable Path does not match
103 getAllUsers /admin/user/getall2 Path does not match
104 menuToggle /toggle/menu Path does not match
105 admin_page /admin/page/{page}/overview Path does not match
106 getOrganisations /register/getorganisations Path does not match
107 getAllUsersPrint /admin/user/print Path does not match
108 editMenu /admin/menu/{id}/edit Path does not match
109 removeMenu /admin/menu/{id}/remove Path does not match
110 adminMenuGetAll /admin/menu/getall Path does not match
111 fetchMenuGetAll /admin/menu/fetch Path does not match
112 connect_keycloak_check /login/check Path does not match
113 privacyStatement /privacy-statement Path does not match
114 menu / Path does not match
115 ApiGetMenutree /api/tree/menutree Path does not match
116 ApiGetMenutreeMenuId /api/tree/menutree/{menuid} Path does not match
117 getChildNodes /api/getchildnodes Path does not match
118 getUserShared /share/getusersshared Path does not match
119 login /login Path does not match
120 logout /logout Path does not match
121 user_register /register Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.